Turbo-charging digital health innovation
Propel@YH is Yorkshire & Humber AHSN’s digital accelerator programme that provides innovative organisations developing digital health solutions with access to a structured course of support and advice aimed at enabling accelerated company growth and increased market presence.
The pioneering programme is open to all SMEs that can demonstrate innovative digital and patient solutions and have either an existing presence in the region or are willing to establish one.
It provides a unique and tailored set of advisory, guidance and support services to
enable global organisations to bring innovative digital health and patient solutions to the region’s population and the wider health economy.
Yorkshire & Humber AHSN is looking for a broad range of innovations that will:
- Help the NHS with recovery and transformation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Help NHS and social care organisations address health inequalities
- Support the workforce
- Enable patients to manage their long-term conditions
- Support the NHS priorities as outlined in NHS operational planning guidance.
For more information take a look at our flyer or FAQs
To find out how Propel@YH can help your company, read our Impact Report 2021-22